Monday, November 16, 2009

30 Days of Thankfulness: Days 12 &13

This afternoon, as I spent a few hours working on some sewing projects, I was reminded of my gratitude for my Mom and my sewing machine.

As a young girl I practiced sewing on my mom's machine a lot. My mom taught me what she could, but she was more of a pillow and curtain type of seamstress. I had the desire to sew clothes so my mom graciously bartered: she gave a friend's daughter piano lessons, in exchange for sewing lessons for me. I learned (sort of) how to read a pattern and made my first article of clothing: a sarong, it was a very pretty periwinkle color, as I recall.

From there I started a schrunchi business...."Lindsay's Schrunchi's: made with love and help from above" was the slogan I had printed on my own personal business cards. I sewed other articles of clothing (none, too great) but I was always proud of my accomplishments. When I graduated from college my Mom bought me my own sewing machine, and it has served me well, these past, eeek, 10 years.

I am so thankful that my mom, encouraged my love for sewing, even though it wasn't exactly her niche. She made so many sacrifices so I could do the things I loved. These days I am getting to use my machine a little more often. I am so thankful!


Christi said...

You made me a couple of great scrunchies back then that I wore proudly!

And...I adore PW!

Maddy said...

and your sewing skills are awesome! I use those burpies EVERY DAY!!! And that little onesie was to die for- I'm still sad Elliecakes has grown out of it!