Thursday, November 12, 2009

30 Days of Thankfulness: Day 4

Today I am completely humbled. And that is what I am thankful for.

After my blog post about running yesterday I was feeling pretty hot stuff this morning out on my jog. It was one of those days I felt like I had a little more endurance so I added about 4 blocks onto my route. I was just over 1/2 way, and starting to head home, I crossed the street. I debated about crossing over to the other side, but decided against it at the last minute, there was a girl there walking her dog, so I just figured I'd cross over when I got closer to home. I don't know what happened, but about 2 seconds later I was flying through the air and landed face down, LAYING, on the pavement. I really wish I had a video of it because I'm sure it looked like something from the movies. Immediately my hands stung and my knee started throbbing. I forced myself up, and the girl and her dog asked, "are you OK?" I said, "I think so..." and started to limp home.

So, God has humbled me today, and shown my once again that He is in control. Thank you God, for a little reality check! I may be walking now for a few days. There is a huge goose-egg/bruise on my knee and my hands look like hamburger. Oh, and by the way, when kids fall and scrape their hands up on the pavement, it really does hurt!


Christi said...

Oh my goodness!! I'm glad I wasn't there because I probably would have started laughing and then felt awful for laughing. I'm still feeling bad about the time we were push starting Craig's truck and I started going when you were only half-way inside and you totally hit your head hard.

I wish we lived closer so I could meet you int he mornings once in awhile.

Lindsay said...

I totally thought of you, Christi, and our "cool runner mom" immitation. That's totally what it was too, and then....BAM....I was on the pavement. SOOOOO, funny to me now! I'm gonna have a really awesome bruise, though.

Oh, goll, push starting Craig's truck! Hilarious! And, I do remember that really hurt, but so funny, too.