Sunday, July 06, 2008


I have not posted for all of two weeks and let me just say, it was hard! I had to force myself to stop formatting blog posts in my head! But the break was good and I definitely feel refreshed and am really enjoying summertime. I wanted to give a little update and share some pictures of our first camping trip of the summer from a couple weeks ago. We camped out at a favorite campground of ours along the Oregon Coast. It was great fun clam digging (or trying to, we didn't get any) riding bikes as a family (Wyatt is finally getting good at the two-wheeler) and just being lazy (I read a 500 page book and enjoyed a few too many s'mores!). We also celebrated Craig's bday! He is now as old as me for another 6 months. Here are some highlights:
Anna running to daddy over and over on the beach

The Fam
Little Monkeys
"MMmmmm, s'mores are SOOOoooo good dad, you really should try one!"

We have also been picking strawberries and raspberries from our patch and I have made a total of 7 batches of jam. Yeah!!

Craig painted some furniture for the playroom and made me some super cool frames for some posters I had. It has proven difficult re-doing a room an a $0 budget, but my goal is to have the kids each do some artwork on these canvases I bought back before Christmas, and maybe frame a few more pictures for the walls in there. Then it will be complete. Pictures to come.

One of my goals for Anna this summer (besides finishing this potty training thing!!) was to get her to give up her pacifier. I envisioned this being a week or two long ordeal with me not getting any sleep and her in hysterics that she wanted her "sassy". A friend of mine gave me the idea to snip off the ends of her paci's and tell her they were broken. I decided to go for it. I came home that night, told Craig my plan, and snipped all of her pacifies the next morning. She had a little trouble that day, but by the next day when I offered her paci to her, she didn't even want it. She'd wrinkle up her face and say, "it's broken, I dun like it." So now she is completely paci-free and I am very happy. Now....if potty training could only be so easy.

We had a fabulous 4th but I will save that for the next post. :)


Michelle said...

I'm glad you had such a good time away. I'm super impressed that you got to read a 500-page book! That sounds like fun! Yeah, I did turn 31 on the 24th, so I guess Craig and I were born on the same day. :-) I'm looking forward to seeing pictures of your playroon!

Angela said...

Thanks for the update and I am so gald you guys are having so much fun!!!

Aly sun said...

Glad to see your update. I've been checking your blog every now and then hoping you would cave and post something.

My sister did the same broken pacifyer technique and it worked great for her son too. Great idea.

My strong-willed girl finally decided she wanted to do the potty training thing herself. Before that, it was constant struggles. I had to find a consequence that worked. It can be such hard work -- blessings to you!

Anonymous said...

Welcome back! I love the "sassy" story!

Ona said...

I love the picture of your daughter and husband. There's nothing more precious than a daddy and his little girl.

Kristen said...

Glad you're back! Did you finish the whole Higgs series?? Now you need to read "The Shack"...see my blog :)

Tiffany said...

I had heard about that little snip-a-roo trick and always wondered how well it would work...good to know!

Peters Family Farms said...

Yeah, woohoo, back in comission! :)