Sunday, July 27, 2008

Silver Falls

This Saturday we spent a fun day at Silver Creek Falls. Craig and I had not been there to hike the falls since we were dating. Summer '97 if I recall. So that would be....hmmm....11 years ago. Pretty pathetic.
So, when our good friends called to see if we were free for the day, we were excited to go. Below is the cute T family. We have not gotten our families together since before Christmastime. Also, pretty pathetic, considering they live about 30 minutes away. It wasn't as if we hadn't tried. Kids and life just get in the way sometimes! They are so much fun, their kids have grown, and we've missed them!
We took these pictures right before embarking on the loop under the waterfall. It was cool to see it again and experience it with kids. I found my heart jumping up to my throat a couple times as they peered over the edge below. And I heard a yell that sounded and awful lot like my mom's voice coming out of my mouth, saying, ", no, no, get down!"
I had almost forgotten about the cool "caves" and rocks to explore as you walk under the falls. They boys were really into that. Notice how all these things would have been perfect photo opportunities to document that we once again were back at silver falls after 11 years with three kids in tow. But when I pulled out my camera to take some pictures, I realized the battery had gone dead.
So, no more pictures. But trust me, it was beautiful and we had a wonderful time. Thanks for inviting us, guys!!


Christy. said...

That looks like so much fun! I am hoping to get our clan on a hike this summer...

Christi said...

I can hear your Pam voice now.

Angela said...

It has been so long since I have been there. What a pretty place!