Tuesday, March 18, 2008

A few of my favorite things

The past few days Craig and I have both been sick, fighting colds. Today he stayed home from work, which was actually his first sick day that he has ever taken (beside when I had babies or when he had surgery) for he, himself being sick. I think he has over 400 hours of sick time accumulated so I convinced him he could give up 8. It was nice because while he rested in the AM, he was feeling a little better and I was able to lay down this afternoon for about 40 minutes and take a much needed nap. I have been living on ibuprofen, tea, and chicken noodle soup. But I think I am on the mend. I'm hoping my body and the weather cooperates and I'm able to get outside this week and work on my flower beds. I have sweet peas and onions that are ready to get in the ground! Today spring break started. Craig has conferences the rest of the week....which doesn't really mean anything for a PE teacher, and Will gets to be home with us for the next 12 days! I am very excited about that.

My friend Christi posted some of her favorite things on her blog and invited any readers to do the same. So here are a few I thought of:

1. Lysol Disinfecting Wipes: These are a must have for any mother with little ones. Here, let me justify it for you. I buy them in a three pack at Costco (Kirkland brand works well, too) and they often put out coupons for both brands. I put one in each of our bathrooms and the other in the kitchen. I am way more likely to do a quick wipe down of the bathrooms and kitchen with these handy wipes. My house stays cleaner and I'm ridding this place of germs. In the past few weeks we've been hit with the stomach flu and cold so I have taken a tub around my house and wiped down doorknobs, light switches, computer, phones, fridge and microwave handles....anything I can think of that accumulates germs. I am not naturally very good at this, but the wipes make it so much easier. I can clean the entire bathroom (with the exception of the inside of the toilet and shower) in just a few minutes, and with three boys and a potty training toddler they are well worth it! Plus you get the clean smell euphoria when you use them. Who doesn't love the smell of a clean house? Try them, I know you'll love them!

2. Licorice Spice herbal tea by Stash: Ok, so I know we may be few, but I can't be the ONLY black licorice fan out there? My sister Paige told me to try this tea, and after I finally remembered to buy a box it has become one of my favorites. It is caffeine free and tastes like a giant mug of melted good 'n plenty's. If you like those candies, you will LOVE this tea. My second favorite tea remains Celestial Seasoning's Candy Cane Lane ( I stock up at Christmastime!)

3. Red Robin's Bruschetta Chicken Burger: This is a fairly new item on their menu and I think I have ordered it about 4 times, so far! It is so delicious, I crave it often, and it seems to get better each time I order it. If you like pesto and garlic, try this. It's so good I even tried to re-create it at home for dinner one night....didn't turn out as good, but it was worth a try. It comes with garlic fries which are equally yummy.

That's all I can think of for now. Post your own list of "favorites"!


Anonymous said...

That tea sounds so yummy and so does the burger. I LOVE, LOVE pesto and garlic so I'll have to try it. I don't normally venture outside of my "usual": the gourmet cheddar cheeseburger minus onion, minus relish, add mustard but I'll definitely try it :-). I hope you both feel better soon!

Tiffany said...

It is so hard to be sick yourself and take care of little ones on top of it when all you want to do is wallow in bed in self pity! At least for me. LOVE Clorox Wipes. Can't live (or clean) without 'em.

Ona said...

Great...now I'm craving Red Robin.

LizzyG said...

Any mother with sons has to own the Lysol Wipes. Even though Daniel's 10, he doesn't always have the best aim in the middle of the night or first thing in the morning.

Red Robin's BLTA croissant is my absolute fave!

I hope you feel better soon, and enjoy your time with your husband off work!

Peters Family Farms said...

chicken ceasar wrap at RR. ahhhhh.

Christi said...

I'm missing Red Robin right now.

I totally do that with the Clorox wipes too. What did our moms do without them?

I'm so sorry you are sick! I ended up staying sick for over a week - I think because I never got the chance to rest - and it was AWFUL!!

I'll be praying for you guys...this is your favorite time of year!

Angela said...

I am missing Red Robin too!

We are sick here too!

Get better soon and take some pictures of your flower beds I need to get inspired!!!

Aly sun said...

Hope your feeling better!
Favorite things: home-made apple sauce, Constant Comment tea, not being sick, and rainy afternoons home with my husband, oh, and Bonzai Burger at RR.