Sunday, March 23, 2008

He is RISEN!!

Saturday was beautiful so we decided to have the kids hunt for their Easter baskets early. Turns out, it was a great idea, since we never have any extra time on Sunday morning!
I managed to take a few shots of the kids before church, these pictures aren't good, but they were the best two.
Wyatt has been sick with a cold, and had a fever off and on. We made it to church but as soon as we got home I put him down for a nap and then Will and I headed into my sister's house. Wyatt took a three hour nap, and then he, Craig and Anna met up with us for a bit. Below is cousin McKenna helping Anna hunt for eggs!
It was quite the week, both Craig and I are on antibiodics for terrible sinus infections, and with Will's party, and all the Easter prep we did for worship, I feel like I didn't get the chance to really reflect and focus on Easter. It snuck up on me and now it is over. However, I know that Easter just isn't a "day" we celebrate. I have the chance each and every day to thank Jesus for loving me and calling me his own. And so, even when my ideals and expectations don't always come to fruition like I've planned out in my head, I know I can make a choice each and every day to focus on what Jesus has done for me.
Lord, you died for me and I will forever praise You!


LizzyG said...

I love the last sentence of this post!

I am so sorry your family has been so sick. I know how hard that is. I hope you will all be healthy soon.

And your Easter pics of your kids turned out way better then mine. And your daughter is such a doll!

Heidi Jo Comes said...

i just love easter pictures! the kids look wonderful!

Aly sun said...

Your kiddos are too cute. I forgot to take Easter pics! I can't believe it. I was putting the girls dresses away after a very long day and realized that they both kept their dresses clean. Some kind of miracle, but no pictures.

I too find it hard to focus among the chaos and remember the reason for the season. It is good to take a moment, among the chocolate bunnies and pretty clothes, and fabulous ham, to remember that Christ died and rose again!

I have GREAT sympathy for those sinus infections. We went through our own sinus woes in January. It is horrible stuff. Hope all is well asap.

Angela said...

What sweet pictures!
That little girl of yours looks just like you!