Sunday, March 30, 2008

I took this picture....

Because I never want to forget my two boys bringing out all their stuffed animals and playing “guys” together.
You two are the sweetest brothers and the best of friends. Before I had you, I always imagined I’d have girls. Sisters, was what I was most accustomed to growing up. Having two sisters and a younger brother, and Craig being the only boy in his family, neither of us experienced or witnessed the relationship between two brothers. But God had much more in store for me when he blessed me with you two boys. My life has been opened to the wonderful bond that brothers share. Despite your extreme differences you two get along so well. Sibling rivalry? Not so much, (at least not YET!) I’m sure part of it is because Will is so accommodating and patient, and Wyatt has always adored him. But there’s just something special about boys. The way they interact. They way they come to agreements. The way they work out their disagreements. Quick, easy, logical, rational. The way there is rarely any drama. And the way that, above all else, they are brothers, and they share a special bond.
And then…..enter little missy.

Enter the drama, the extreme emotion and world of babies and twirling in dresses. (I now know girls are actually born with the knowledge to twirl when you put a dress on them…I did not teach her that!). The world of someone getting into your make-up and proudly displaying the results just as you’re ready to walk out the door to church. The world of sensitivity, sweetness, attitude and defiance. The world of now, an almost 2 ½ year old little girl who is the baby of our family. I sometime wish we could have one more…a girl… that Anna could have a sister. But then my rational side (that would be Craig) reminds me I’d have 2X the drama….. and I begin to feel more and more confident that God knew exactly what he was doing when he mapped out our little family. It is the perfect one for me.

I’m truly thankful I get to experience both sons and a daughter. I pray they will all share a special bond, and be the best of friends.


Angela said...

How sweet Lindsay!
I am sure they will be the best of friends!

Tiffany said...

Not only are your children naturally graced with such wonderful qualities, but I'm quite sure their two parents have alot to do with bringing them out in these three kids. It is a breath of fresh air to hear as I was recently at another mom's house who has twin 4 year old boys and I left thinking "I don't want my little boy playing with those mean boys again!" Needless to say they lacked manners, sharing skills and kindness.

Christi said...

I love God's plan for me too! I didn't really feel that love today, but it's always there. He definitely knew what He was doing giving me 3 boys.

That picture of the boys is going to be a treasure.

And Anna...she will turn out like you and have more sweetness than drama.

Anonymous said...

Such good descriptions of the differences between boys and girls. I love watching brothers play, even with mine having an almost six year age difference. Little Miss has a servant's heart and is also the drama queen of our family! I love having boys and girls and hopefully God will give Sarah what she desperately wants: A sister in August!