Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Valentine artwork

We just got back from a 4 day Winter Vacation to beautiful southern Oregon! We visited Ama and Papa and had a great time. We had gorgeous weather, the kids played a lot outside, and Craig and I even got to go out for lunch and a movie while Ama babysat!
As I was cleaning up the house today I found a bunch of Wyatt's artwork. This and MANY others were all over my kitchen table, and overflowing out of the art basket, but I thought the one below was so cute. There is a really big heart and then these two "lovebirds" thinking loving thought towards each other. Anna scribbled on the back before I rescued it, so there are pen marks bleeding through. But it is pictures like this that really let me into my little Wy-boy's mind. He has so much love to give and so much creativity, energy and imagination to channel. I love all his little talents and I'm so excited to see how the Lord will use him. He signed it at the top Love Mr. Button....completely backwards. Right to left and a mirror imaging of the letters. Slightly freaky.....but I have talked to a couple teachers who assure me that it's normal 'til about 2-3rd grade, and my niece, Reilly, (a lefty too) did the same thing with whole stories when she was little.


Angela said...

Oh how cute!
I love it when Dylan brings artwork home from school! I can never throw it away!
So fun that you were able to get away on a little date! Seriously that is the best!
Hope you are having a wonderful day!

Christi said...

He is so sweet. Mr. Button? That is about the cutest thing I've seen in a long time.

Aly sun said...

Cute picture and signiture. He has come a long way with his very neat printing... even if it is backwards. My mom tells a story about when I was 3 and wrote MOT (my dad's name backwards) on the top of my paper in Sunday School. I am not a lefty, but I was raised by one who was raised by one. Lefties are pretty crazy!!