Thursday, February 28, 2008

simple random truths

It feels good for it to be sunny enough to wear sunglasses again. And he sure looks darn cute in them….
When your child’s preschool teacher asks you how your mother is doing since her house fire, you know it’s time to once again address the lying issue with your 4 year old.
When you yell “Anna where are you?” and hear a voice from the bathroom say “I poopy” it’s already too late and not gonna be pretty.

You know you’ve created a true girl when you find her painting her own toenails (and even though it ended up all over her foot you can thank God it was light colored polish and she didn’t spill it, then you can't resist snapping a picture.)
When your almost 7 year old is telling you facts about penguins, sea life and the solar system that you didn’t even know existed it will make you proud and sad at the same time realizing once again just how fast they grow.

A sunny week in February can completely change your outlook on life. You will drop everything to be outside, be inspired to put plants in your planter, start seeds indoors, sit back and for a few moments feel as if everything is right with the world.

Tomorrow's friday!!
Happy Weekend!


Christi said...

That was great. Oh my goodness...the house fire? I wonder if he plans it out or just thinks of things on the spot. Good thing you get to fix it now or we might have another Sparky on our hands - just kidding.

Anna painting her nails is adorable!!

LizzyG said...

I love your flowers! I've always wanted to start seeds indoors and then plant the flowers in my flower bed. But it's yet to happen. I just end up paying way too much for plants at the nursery...maybe next year!

Angela said...

That was awesome!
I too love your pretty flowers. I was just thinking today how I am ready to start planting.

Anonymous said...

When I see your flowers I wish I was not in Alaska! I am longing for spring planting (as snow is falling outside my window).
Your kids are precious...I have two girly girls so it is hilarious to watch them. Chloe would wear a skirt or dress everyday if I let her!

Christy. said...

Such great tidbits! I love the song you have, one of my favorites!

Aly sun said...

The spring like weather inspired me as well and I planted a couple rose bushes (I just can't seem to have enough) and a white lilac.
The pictures are great! With mischevious and creative little ones around, the camera must always be handy!