Thursday, February 21, 2008

I'm thankful today

I know I have blogged about this before, but Wyatt has a really sensitive tummy. He's been a real puker from day 1. This weekend while in GP, we went out to breakfast and he ate a bunch of fried food, bacon and downed two cups of strawberry milk. As we were finishing he didn't look so good and I knew what was coming so I rushed him outside where he puked and puked all over the restaurant flower beds.

The next morning we had another big breakfast and then we had promised the boys that we would take them to get a phosphate at the pharmacy so we headed there. Wyatt drank his down in about a minute and a half and again, didn't look so good. As we were crossing the street he puked again all over the curb. People were driving by with grossed out looks on their faces.

Now, TODAY (4 days later) I pick him up from school and find out they celebrated TWO birthday parties so he not only had a cupcake, but also 2 cookies and juice. We had plans to go out to lunch with a friend, so he then shoved chicken nuggets and fries down along with an orange soda. We let the kids play outside on the play equipment before heading home. Just as I'm opening the front door Wyatt pukes again over the tile entry way, and then finished it off in the yard. (He really isn't fever at all and he's completely fine once he gets it up!) It just happens when he's had to much junk. It has really taught me a lesson to watch what he eats, though. His little tummy just can't take it all!

So, why am I so thankful?? I was just now imagining how much worse it could have been. He could have thrown up all over the restraunt, me, the play place a Burger King, the inside of the van........yuck!! Of the three I only had to clean up one and it was just on my tile entryway. So I feel really thankful!

Spring is getting closer (that is my second "thankful"). Yesterday we walked to the park and I let the kids play as long as possible, soaking in the sunshine and vitamin D. We came home and played in the yard a bit and I pulled out a bunch of dead things that I neglected to do this fall. I LOVE spring! I am so ready to go buy those seed packets. Yay, it's almost here!


Christy. said...

Poor guy! I hope the rest of the week is puke-free!

I love the coming of spring too! I pulled out some dead plants from pots on the back patio this morning, it felt so good.

Anonymous said...

Man, what a time with Wyatt. Poor little man! I, too, am willing spring to come--NOW! I'm so excited for spring planting (we started a little early a couple weeks ago with whatever pansies the Grange had--I couldn't wait any longer.) :-)

Kelleigh Ratzlaff Designs said...

Isn't it funny how your kid just gets "the look" and you know that you HAVE to pull over right now or you'll have a mess to clean up? I don't think men can see the look. It's a mom thing. The 7th sense. Right after the super-sonic hearing that can detect the sound of a 4-year old jumping up and down in total panic as he yanks down his pants as if to pee on his bookcase. Thank goodness this 6th sense makes it possible for us to rush to his side in time to redirect him to the toilet.

Kelleigh Ratzlaff Designs said...

I forgot to mention a SLEEPING 4 year old. Little detail.