Thursday, February 14, 2008

Love is in the air.....

Mmmmm....sugar cookies, with sprinkles! Anna just picks the sprinkles off and licks the frosting.
Wyatt enjoying his cookie

Wyatt concentrating hard on his craft (notice the tongue).

My husband never ceases to amaze me. After almost 10 years of marriage he has become so good at knowing what I love and what makes me tick. I feel like I'm really a simple girl at heart, but I do anticipate a little "thought" on his part for V-day. The less money spent the better!

He had a little scavenger hunt set up for me this morning complete with a D.B coffee and another CD he made. What I love most is that he wrote about every song and why he put in on there for me. I just love it. One of the most meaningful gifts ever.

The above are some pictures of the kids Indoor Park Party. I meant to take more pictures at Will's party this afternoon, but I forgot my camera. I was so bummed because I got to bring Wyatt and Anna and they each got root beer floats and sugar cookies. There would have been some cute pics, I'm sure. But I must get over the mother-guilt.

Happy Valentine's Day!


Anonymous said...

What cute pics of the kids and their cookies--love that part of Valentine's Day and kudos to your awesome husband! What a sweetie!

Angela said...

Happy V-DAY! It sounds like you had a great day!

Tiffany said...

Good job Craig! Sounds like you and all of your sweeties had a splendid time. Yes, and ditch the mother guilt!

Ona said...

That is such a great gift!

Glory Laine said...

Anna is one smart girl. Brillant.

Kelleigh Ratzlaff Designs said...

Goodness! I'm sending Mitch over to your blog to read all about Craig's thoughtful gift. What an awesome guy!