Friday, February 22, 2008

I'm trying out some new layouts. Links will return, soon!


Anonymous said...

Do you have to manually re-enter each link or can you save them somehow to put back in? I'd love any insight you have :-)! I've thought about changing things periodically but don't dare because I don't want to lose everything.

Lindsay said...

I lose my links but I have them saved on my favorites. I don't have too many, but it is annoying to re-enter them. I'm sure there's a way to do it, but I haven't figured it out!

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Lin. I've never seen anyone who has been able to save them on blogger. It's frustrating that they don't allow you to save them, but there are worse things than having to re-enter them. I love all the templates you've chosen so far :-)!

Christy. said...

I had to redo mine too, what a pain!!! I like your new look!