Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Cute Quotes

Will--the deep thinker---said in all seriousness after Wyatt ruined one of his lego creations, "Mom, sometimes having a brother is bad, but sometimes having a brother is good."

Wyatt--the information junkie--he's always informing me of things, "Mom, did you know Jordan Michael was really a real person?" (referring to Michael Jordan)

Anna--the mini-me---she's starting to observe and say things that surprise me, "When I grow up I might want to be a mom so I can reach stuff."


Tiffany said...

Priceless! Nothing like a kiddos words and observations to take you back to how new the world is for them and how jaded we as parents can be!

Aly sun said...

I love the last one! It is ALL about reaching stuff. And what a blessed life us mommies lead being able to reach everything we need. What more could be ask for?

Christi said...

They are all so cute in their individual ways. I like how you wrote it that way to show that.

Glory Laine said...

Just reading over at my friend Stephanie's Blog and she come up with this title that I thought was so perfect for your blog......umm not that the The Button Fam is perfect too but what do you think of "Buttons: Cute and Otherwise." Love it.