Tuesday, April 22, 2008

A Fun Little Meme

What I was doing ten years ago:

I was in my junior year of college and about to be married to my sweetie!

Five snacks I enjoy:
1. cheese and crackers
2. my homemade granola bars
3. a really juicy orange
4. apples or celery with peanut butter
5. chips and salsa or guac

Five jobs I have held:
1. hoeing weeds from onion fields- summers in jr. high
2. Nordstrom – I worked in BP cleaning out dressing rooms and putting the clothes back on the floor, and wrapping gifts in fragrances.
3. Oregon Cherry Growers (my dad’s office, I worked in accounts receivable and, tracking, and did LOTS of filing)
4. US Bank Teller-I worked there for 2 summers after Craig and I were married. My second day as a teller I was robbed! No I’m not kidding! But besides that it was a fun job. I loved playing with money all day.
5. State of Oregon Licensing Board for Clinical Social Workers- I started this job when Craig started student teaching and worked for almost 2 years before having Will, and staying home.

Five habits:
1. Exercising has become a habit. I hate getting up, but I feel so guilty when I don’t.
2. I drink coffee every day
3. I go to the library about once a week
4. I wash my face before going to bed. I can probably count on one hand the number of times I have not done this.
5. I pray out loud in the van on the way to school. If I forget, my kids will remind me.

Five Places I have lived:
I have only lived in three, Dallas, Salem and Portland.

If you are reading this and haven’t already done it, I tag you. But only if you want to be tagged.


Angela said...

Isn't it crazy to think of how much has happened in the last 10 years!

Anonymous said...

I love this! I'm just in awe that the end of next month you'll be celebrating 10 years of marriage! We'll be in Kauai and will have a drink (virgin for me) for you :-)!

Aly sun said...

I did the survey myself. :)