Thursday, September 04, 2008

the blender thing

We recently had a shredder given to us. Craig had to fix some gear on it or something and he got it working great. My kids had never seen a shredder before and they were quite fascinated by it.

Today Wyatt was telling me a story about something that happened at school, that involved a shredder. It went something like this:

w- you know that blender thing mom?
m- what blender thing, the one we make smoothies in?
w- no, mom, the blender know the blender thing that cuts up paper?

Just thought it was a funny and creative way to descibe a shrededer.


Ona said...

That's funny!

Elaine said...

Hey Lindsay
I just wanted you to know how fun it has been to see you and your family on your blog. Your kids are adorable. (I just figured out this blog thing!)