Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Megan 03

Our lunch conversation went something like this:

Me: Do you want a whole or half tuna sandwich?
Wyatt: a half....I mean 2 halves
M: So you want a whole?
W: No, I just want TWO HALVES
M: Well, two halves make a whole
W: No they don't
M: Yes (showing him the bread) if I make a sandwich on whole pieces of bread and cut it in half, that's two halves, which makes a whole.

(He then seems convinced, and continues to watch me make the sandwich)

W: (mumbling) Megan o3
M: What......Megan?
W: No, Megan o3
M: What's Megan o3
W: You know mom, Megan o3, the vitamins?
M: Oh, you mean Omega 3?
W: Yeah!!

I guess at some point I must have mentioned that fish has Omega 3 in it....although I vaugely remember it now!


Anonymous said...

That is hilarious, and he is correct in his own way :-)!

Peters Family Farms said...

So smart! It's amazing (and often funny) how much kids are actually listening and comprehending! Josh, 3, last night while playing cars, made a comment about gas being too "spensive" (expensive) Hehe.