Tuesday, December 11, 2007


I have always pretty much been a routine type of girl. Motherhood, threw somewhat of a hitch in things, but lately I find myself really striving for and loving routine. My days seem to go much easier when I spiffy up the house before bed, run the dishwasher, lay out clothes and pack lunches. Mornings go well, when I'm up early with my coffee and Bible reading time before the kids come out to cuddle.

While I love routine, I have never been an athlete. I was a cheerleader. Never played a sport of any kind. Never consistently exercised until after I had Wyatt, (gained a whoppin' 50+ pounds, I desperately needed to). But, ever since July or so, I have been consistently rolling out of bed at 5:50am for my morning walk/jog. Now there's nothing appealing about getting out of a warm bed on a cold December morning for exercise, but like I said, it is routine, I find I am stuck with it. I started walking, then added a slow jog. Now, the non-athlete me is proud to say I can run (very slowly mind you) most of the way without dying. And each morning if I'm early enough I pass the kid riding his bike up the hill. Some days I see the middle aged man walking his wiener dog, and we exchange hellos as we have done too many times to count. Friday's I pass the little old lady in the beauty parlor sitting under the hair dryer, while working on her knitting. Shortly after that I pass the gym where there are usually a couple big guys lifting weighs. I whiz by (ya---right). Then, I round the corner to start home and pass the courthouse, and County jail, feeling very safe as I pass police cars and usually a big white surburban. Then it's down the hill to the most rewarding part of the run. Passing by Dutch Bros. getting a whiff of coffee and of course noticing the average of about 3 cars in line.

What happens when I don't get up? I am left wondering all day, did the wiener dog guy miss me? how busy was D.B.? Was it really that cold out? I kick myself for not just getting up! These and other questions are what motivates me to keep it up. It's all about routine. That and those stubborn 5 pounds or so, that are hanging on for dear life.


Christi said...

Okay, I really want to get up and walk tomorrow morning...you wrote a very persuasive essay without even trying to.

I think I'll have to wait until I'm finished with waking up for three feedings a night though.

Angela said...

Rebecca is doing some connecting!!!
She emailed me you blog address and it was so fun reading about your adorable family.
Also love the Christmas decor! :)

Like I told Jana I am going to be checking in on your blog.
Very fun!


Glory Laine said...

What happened to our cute little bodies from high school? The ones that I would eat twinkies and wash it down with a glass of melted butter and never see the scale move. I have been getting up at six five mornings a week for a year now and haven't seen all the results that I want but my heart is healthier and I'm not winded when I walk up stairs blah blah blah.
Keep it up. I'm sure you make the day of the little old man walking his dog.

Tiffany said...

I am so glad you and Glory reunite through blogland! What a small world. I have to say also, that you are very dedicated, as I would be one to look at my alarm clock, roll over and snuggle further into my nice warm bed telling myself that absence makes the heart grow fonder so the weiner dog and his owner will just have to wait!

Kristen said...

Wow, good job! I am NOT a morning person so I always applaud those who can do it! Seriously though you should look into Million Dollar Body and being a coach. It's just such a great opportunity for stay at home moms.