Monday, December 17, 2007

I just turned 31

This weekend Craig and I went away to the coast for TWO NIGHTS! It was the first time since having kids that we have been able to spend two nights away from them (not counting the hospital stays after birthing them, that is :). It was crazy how, for me, it seemed like such a long time to be without them. I almost felt a little out of my element. But then I realized, that the past (almost) 7 years of my life, I have been a mommy 24-7. It's not like we moms have the regular weekend, or evenings off. The job of mom is thoroughly ingrained in us. So, of course it was going to take some adjusting to get used to no kids around. However.......I quickly adjusted, and we had a wonderful time. We took walks/jogs both mornings, shopped for over 4 hours, watched a marathon of Love Comes Softly on the Hallmark channel, and even a few UFC fights (I was so kind!), shared a pint of Ben & Jerry's, ate out, laughed a lot, and enjoyed each other's company. There were times, I truly felt like we were dating again. It was both a little wierd and wonderful to be without our kiddos, and a great way to bring on 31, which hit today. Today took a little getting used to as well. Dishes, floors, laundry, to and from school, finishing up Christmas baking and putting together teacher gifts, etc., etc., etc., hit in full force. As of 6:50pm all three kids were asleep in their beds, fighting off colds, so now I am off to enjoy a quiet birthday evening!

31 things I thought of on our way home from the coast that I am thankful for on my 31st Birthday:
1. Jesus, my Savior
2. Craig, my support
3. Will, my helper
4. Wyatt, my comic relief
5. Anna, my snuggle girl
7. coffee every morning
8. a warm bed
9. my backyard
10. my church family
11. growing up memories
12. hugs and kisses
13. my in-laws (they're great!)
14. pictures
15. books
16. music and singing with Craig
17. family that loves me
18. phone calls from friends
19. hearing "I love you mom"
20. my college experience
21. my Bible
22. freedom
23. hot showers
24. the rain
25. my home
26. my piano
27. my freckles
28. people's individualities
29. healthy kids
30. my siblings
31. the outdoors


Anonymous said...

What a GREAT weekend and a great way to ring in your 31st year. I'm so glad you and Craig got to do that. So special to have that time together! Happy, happy Birthday!

Kristen said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY LINDSAY!! Your weekend sounds heavenly! What a nice treat.

Tiffany said...

You are KIDDING are SUCH a good wife to put up with watching UFC ON YOUR BIRTHDAY WEEKEND! I won't even watch it on Mike's birthday! But, I suppose turn about is fair play since Craig watched Hallmark with you (Love that series, by the way!) AND went shopping for 4 hours! While I've not had kids for 7 years yet, I can totally relate to feeling strange when time away occurs. Even going shopping for a few hours baby-free is a little weird. It is like I don't know what to do with myself because I've been focusing on Tristan for so long and have totally pushed myself to the back burner. I'm glad you had a great time and dated again for your birthday!

Christi said...

And I am thankful for you! I'm so glad God put you in my life. You are awesome - HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!

LizzyG said...

Happy Birthday Lindsay! I just turned 31 last week, and it is definitely a strange feeling to know you're on your way to mid-thirties. I love what you wrote here, because I totally relate. I hope you have a wonderful day.

Angela said...

Happy birthday!
I am so glad you were able to get away and enjoy your self!