Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Just funny

Wyatt seriously cracks me up sometimes. I know the Lord gave me Wyatt, because I do have tendencies to take life a little too seriously and get stressed out over the little things. Waytt is definately sunshine and spunk in my day. He is so active, jumping, climbing, doing summersaults off the couch, jumping off the top bunk, scaling up door jams, etc., etc., etc. Yet he also has a totally sensitive, sweet side.....that's what cracks me up about him. He is always saying things like, "mom, look at that blue house, it so SOOO darling", or "mom, Anna's dress is SOOOO adorable, it's just cutie pa-tootie". I am convinced he will make a great husband someday with all the compliments he gives to the girls of the house. Some of you know his only wish last Chrsitmas was for a tea set. When we told him tea sets were really for girls, he came back with, "well......what about a boy tea set?" We (Craig mainly) finally gave in and we bought him a plastic primary colored tea set, the most boyish tea set that we could find. He has chilled out on the whole tea set thing a little, (to Craig's relief!) but still occasionally serves me tea. Some days he wants to be a chef, somedays a gardener, and somedays an artist. Today I asked him and he replied, "a song maker upper". Where does he get these things???

He drew this picture for me last night. He told me it was a picture of me in Hawaii with a flower in my hair. As I was oohhing and aahhing over it, saying thing like, "I like the eyes, they're blue just like mine", I commented on how he made the hair yellow, just like mine too. His reply was, "mom, I'm sorry I didn't draw your highlights." Highlights??? It was all I could do to keep from busting up. What 4 year old boy know what highlighs are and uses that word in everyday conversation??

He makes me smile!


Anonymous said...

I love it! Soooo cute, and the picture he made you is beautiful! He IS an artist! Oh, and I love the boys' closet. It looks great and that is such a deal you got on the dresser! We took the kids' closet doors off before we had Matthew and just hung cheap curtains from Target on a shower curtain rod (the spring loaded kind). It works great and allows us to utilize all the closet without seeing it all the time! Have a great day!

Kelleigh Ratzlaff Designs said...

That is SO funny! I can't wait until Grant starts drawing pictures that I can recognize. Well, he knows how to draw dinosaur teeth and shark fins, but really ...

This morning he crawled into bed with me and touched my face and told me, "Mom, you are so precious."

Love it!

Aly sun said...

Highlights! You can tell he is artistic from the drawing and sensitive from the comments.
He will make a fabulous husband some day! I am so glad to know that there are families out there raising good men. My beautiful girls will have such choices -- those Button boys and the Ratzlaffs!

Kristen said...

Oh my goodness, he is just too precious. Watch out for him, he's going to be a lady killer :)

Christi said...

That's so good that you wrote that one down...I can picture you retelling it to him around the dinner table in 15 years.