Tuesday, September 04, 2007

First Day!

There's something about the first day of school that always makes me nervous. I tend to get overly emotional and worked up......even when I was a kid, I was always nervous on the first day of school. Last night we got Will's thing all ready, packed his lunch together and talked about school. He was really excited about today. He sat on my lap with his arms around my neck for several minutes as we talked. For a boy that is pretty quick to give hugs and be on his way, this did wonders for my 'mother's' heart.

I feel so blessed that Will gets to attend the school where Craig teaches and have Dad aka "Mr. Button" during school hours, three times a week for PE! We are also extremely blessed that Will has Mrs. Wagner for his first grade teacher. She and her husband, are Christians and have been so good to our family. They are like honorary grandparents to our kids and even come over one evening a month and 'babysit' while Craig and I have a date night. I know, we are SOOOO blessed.

Still, this morning was hard for me. Will was all settled at his seat, I snapped a few pictures (of course!) And then gave him a good-bye hug. He hugged me really hard for a few seconds and I could feel the huge lump forming in my throat. As I walked out with Anna and Wyatt, I was just hoping no one would say anything to me. I just needed a minute. I have never been good at leaving my kids, I am working at it, but 6 1/2 hours 5 days a week will be an adjustment for us all. I know I need to slowly ease back on the reigns a little at a time though, so this is all good for me to go through.

This morning I read Proverbs 4 (31 Proverbs, one for every day of the month, I can hear my mom's voice in my head!) and it was so encouraging. It's twenty something verses long so I won't write the whole thing out, but the jist is about training your children in their early years, my Bible refers to it as while they are still 'tender' with wisdom and guiding them toward the Lord. I pray Craig and I have been successful in that with Will. I found a lot of encouragement in reading that chapter this morning and I know it was from the Lord. Then I wrote out my 'first day of school prayer' and I feel much better. God is so good to me!

Dear Lord,

Today I am sending my firstborn off to school. My heart is sad and I have the first day of school butterflies in my stomach, as I bring this prayer to you. When I think of the sacrifice you made in sending your Son to earth, I am comforted and completely humbled in the knowledge that you know my heart and all my emotions regarding this day. And I trust in you for guidance this year, for Craig and I, and for Will, as he enters first grade.

Be with Will Lord, today, and everyday. Guard and protect him, his eyes and ears. Walk with him, speak to Him and cause him to feel your presence, always. Calm his first day jitters. May all that Craig and I have instilled in him so far, be close to his mind and heart today. Provide friends for Will that will influence him in Your ways, Lord. May he be a friend to others, Lord. And most of all, may he shine Your light, for all to see.

Be with the teachers that will mold and instruct Him. I’m so grateful that many know You Lord, and have been anointed by You to do your will in their classrooms. May they be filled with patience, and energy for these little ones. Bless them with gentleness and sensitivity, to each child’s needs. May they find joy everyday in this job they are doing.

And lastly, be with me today Lord. With all the range of emotions I’m feeling, be my constant peace, my encourager, my strength, and my comfort. Thank you for understanding my mother’s heart and for filling it with joy, despite my sadness!

In Jesus’ name,



Anonymous said...

Oh Lin, I was thinking about you this morning and knew this would be a difficult day (every first day morning in the past has been emotional for me, too). You and Craig are awesome parents (I have no doubt) and I know you've done your job so far with Will. He will be such an asset to his little classroom and to have a Christian teacher that you know is so awesome! God is so good and knows your mother's heart and I pray he will minister his peace to you and a BIG HUG for a mom's sensitive heart!

Kelleigh Ratzlaff Designs said...

Oh, this is making me choke up! Grant's first day of preschool is next Tuesday, and I am starting to get nervous. Of course, that is only 7 1/2 hours a week!! I can't imagine being without him for 6 1/2 hours a day! It will be quite an adjustment being without big brother . . . I can already picture Cole walking around to the different rooms searching for Grant.

Tami said...

My favorite teacher from Lyle was a Mrs. Sandra Wagner, but I'm sure she is a different one than you speak of. Anyway, she was my 6th grade teacher.

That is so cool that Craig and Will get to be at school together--and that the Wagners are so great!

Yours is the second blog I've read this week that spoke of a tender mother-son moment to bless a mother's heart at Back-to-School time! I love it.