Thursday, May 28, 2009

What did the girl mushroom say to the boy mushroom?

You're a FUN GUY!
Check out all the fungi we found over Memorial Day weekend.
Morrel mushrooms

Us by the lake

A family of biggest find.

Cute flowers growing out of a old log. And a cute girl, too.

Hunting and gathering is so much fun.

Wyatt chillin' by the lake.

Brothers and Friends

The three on the infamous dirt mound.

Can you spot the two monkey's in the tree? This is what happens when mom takes a nap.

A basket full!

A very fungi weekend, indeed!


Angela said...

Great pictures Lindsay!

Valorie Leonard said...

Oh Lindsay, I can taste the mushrooms now. Oh how I miss those! I know.....I post it every year! Thanks for sharing!

Tiffany said...

Okay Ms. Photographer...when are you going to go pro? Some of those pictures look it.

And...gulp...I would have FREAKED seeing my kid so high off the ground! Did that cure you of the ability to nap for awhile?

Anonymous said...

Wow, way to go on the mushroom find. Benjamin went with some friends of ours to go hunting for them. They only came up with 2!!! They went the weekend before Memorial Day, so it might have been a little early. We sauted our 1 mushroom, it wasn't bad. Never had them before!