Friday, January 18, 2008

Wyatt's Dance Moves

Here I am a stay-at-home mom who has been spending way to much time staying at home lately. So, how do you spend a cold January afternoon? Dancing in the kitchen to Toby Mac, of course. Wyatt's favorite song is "Hush little baby", and I laugh so hard watching him dance, it is good therapy for me. (I'm his mom though so I don't expect you all to think this is that funny). If you care to watch be sure to notice:

1. His outfit. The sweater vest and plaid shirt are his FAVORITE and he begs me to let him wear them everyday because they are so "handsome". Today I gave in.

2. The cookie he takes bites out of while performing.

3. The "Egyptian" and "the Zombie", dance moves that Wyatt invented.


Glory Laine said...

"So You Think You Can Dance", watch out for Wyatt in 10 years. Very cool.
Linz, I heard just a bit of your sweet singing voice and it brought me back to Mr. Graber's choir. Miss thoughs days sometimes. Miss him screaming our lasts names and demanding a solo of our part or having us stand in a line to see what alto doesn't know her part (even though I know he knew already).

Angela said...

What a riot! Nothing like the kiddos dancing and he is very good I must say!
I agree, loved hearing your voice and Rebecca's comment cracked me up!!!

Kristen said...

Love it!!! So cute! And isn't it funny how they get attached to certain outfits. Aaron once got to pick out his own shirt, and picked out the one that I thought was most ugly...yellow with slightly more yellow/orange stripes...and a white collar. He loved that shirt because it looked like Steve's shirt on Blues Clues. I hated the thing and would always pull out another one and try to persuade him to wear it instead, but then he would say "but Mom, I love that shirt, it's my favorite". What can you do?! I'm glad he's outgrown that shirt.

PS...he doesn't get to pick out clothes to buy anymore :)

Christi said...

Oh my goodness, he is SUCH a character...that is so your son.

I had to laugh when I heard you sing along. You probably tried to resist, but you just couldn't, especially to that song..."Hush little baby, Don't you cry".

Tiffany said...

Ok, from the vauge memories I have of high school dances I think I see a bit of his dad in those moves! My very favorite is the zombie.

jana said...

So, so cute! Aren't kids so fun before they get self-conscious?