Friday, May 04, 2007

There once was a girl...

There once was a girl, who had a little curl, right in the middle of her forehead. When she was good she was very, very good, but when she was bad she was horrid!
Ok, so does anyone else remember that rhyme from childhood? I don't know what it's from but it came back to me after seeing this picture of Anna with her "curl". I would never call her horrid, but she can throw a pretty good fit. Her latest thing is taking her ever beloved pacifier out of her mouth and pitching it across the room when she's mad. Then she preceeds to cry becasue she wants it back.
She is officially 17 months and just recently she seems to be catching on to more and more words and immitating us. Her papa taught her the phrase, "help me" over the weekend, but she only says it selectively, usually Will is the only one who can coax it out of her. It is so fun to see her expressions as she's learning and to realize her little mind is going a mile a minute with all it's taking in. She loves books and looking out our front window at the birdies, she points and makes a big serious "o" shape with her mouth when she sees one. It's very exciting stuff!

1 comment:

Christi said...

After dealing with Caden's fiestiness tonight Jeff said, "We need a girl in this family" insinuating that a girl would never be so ornery. Then I let him read your blog...I think they all can throw some pretty good fits at this age.