Sunday, May 13, 2007

A Mother's Day Pic....

Hope all you Mom's felt special and honored today! I had a fantastic Mother's Day, complete with treasured handmade gifts from the kids, a yummy breakfast that I didn't have to make or clean up, Dutch Bros. coffee, (they were FREE to mom's today--gotta love that!) and flowers for my planter box. My one goal for the day was to get a family pic, and this one on the timer didn't turn out too bad, so I was happy.

Anna also reached an exciting milestone this Mother's Day: the skill of crib climbing. This morning when she woke up the boys went in her room to play with her. Well, I guess she was trying to crawl out of her crib and Will "helped" her out. I figured he did a lot more of the helping than she did crawling. Later this afternoon when I put her down for her nap, she really wasn't all the tired cause she snoozed during chuch, so we heard her for a while playing in her crib. I remember hearing a "thunk", but she will often lay and kick her crib which bangs against the wall so that's what I thought I was hearing. When it got to be time to get her up I peeked in her room. She was not in her crib. I pushed the door open and it hit something. Then I saw her laying face down on the floor right in front of her door. At first I kind of freaked out cause I thought she might be hurt, but then I realized she was sleeping! I woke her up and noticed there were things scattered around her room and she also had put one shoe on her foot. She had total rug marks on her face, leg and arm from sleeping on the carpet.
So, none of my kids may reach the 2 year mark in the crib. Will had to exit his crib cause Wyatt needed it. Wyatt is also part monkey and crawled out at about 16 month. I'm kinda hopin' it was just a fluke, because my plan was to kep her in her crib as long as possible. We shall see....... :)


Aly sun said...

The big-kid bed is a lot of work at first. I learned this too well when I moved Emma out of her crib at 19 months. Getting her to STAY in bed was hard and I wished I had the crib back. Expererienced mothers told me later to never move a baby out of the crib until they can climb out themselves (even if they are 3). I now understand why.

Happy Mother's Day!

Christi said...

That's a really cute family pic...Anna's going to have to get the posing down like the boys!

Oh my goodness...if Caden was crawling out right now I would be freaking out!! I am soooo not ready for that. That's so funny that she just went to sleep on the floor.