Thursday, May 24, 2007

A little bit of Wyatt....

Wyatt had his last day of preschool today. I always get so sentimental at the end of the school year. Both boys got out their pre-school DVD's and were watching them this afternoon. My, how they've grown....makes me a little sad....and proud at the same time of how far we have traveled on the road of parenting. I read a quote recently that went something like, "the days will be long, but the years will be fast." How true it is, and as I look back on my many long days with Wyatt I sit here and realize, it's been three years since we deveolped the leash/dog run system for him. Three years since he pushed the window screen out (multiple times) and escaped three blocks down the street. Three years since he was constantly climbing in my sink and giving himself a bath, or hiding out in the dryer....(he actually taught Will that one!) That sure puts things into perspective and I can honestly say, it gets easier. He is still Wyatt, my tester, my social bug, my curious, climber, fearless, mind of his own little boy.....just last week he broke a full length mirror by trying to climb it after I had propped it up against the side of the couch as I was organizing. So, you know, we're not out of the woods yet. But, he really has come so far in just three years. Today after Anna woke up from her nap I caught the two of them in her room. Wyatt was "reading" to Anna and speaking to her in the sweetest of tones. She was bringing him book after book and I got a little choked up just seeing their interactions. Three years ago I couldn't look into the future and see what my little boy would be like today. But, God knew Wyatt was the perfect middle child for our family, and I am so grateful he's my son.


Christi said...

So, so encouraging to a family who is about 3 years right behind you.

Aly sun said...

Sniff, sniff! Being pregnant has me just as sentimental. It is encouraging to hear your time tested wisdom on raising a spirited child. I loved the quite too -- the days are long, but time goes by quickly. So true.