Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Figure of Speech

It's such an amazing exprience watching your kids grow up, and become more independent. I tend to think of them ALL still as my "babies" but this kindergarten year has really been the turning point for Will. I have been reminded again and again that he is now needing me less and less, and wanting to do thing on his own, more and more. It's all how it's suppose to be, but it just takes a little getting used to for a mom. And, I admit, I am still getting used to it.

So we are all sitting around the table eating lunch, my three, the two day care kids and myself. My sister Paige coined the term "brains turning to mush and oozing out your ears" to refer to kids who spent too much time watching TV or playing vidoe games. I use this with my kids as well, and with today being so beautiful outside, I mentioned to the kids that we better not watch too much TV today or else our brains will turn to mush and ooze out our ears. All the kids were giggling when Will turns to them and boldy states, "That's just a figure of speech."

How in the world he knew that phrase.....I don't know, but it cracked me up and it was yet another reminder that my baby is now 6.

1 comment:

Tami said...

Oh, my goodness--that is so funny! I loved reading that story--so cute. Sounds like you have a smarty!