Thursday, August 06, 2009

Egg #2

Egg #2 just arrived this morning. As I was sitting at my computer this morning I heard quite the ruckus coming from the hen house. They were squawking like I'd never heard before. I headed out and saw two of the hens down below, but April, our Rhode Island Red was up in the nesting boxes. I waited for her to come down. Then I peeked in, and low and behold, egg #2.

It looked a little funky and it was way in back, so I was kinda scared to reach in a grab it. (Maybe I'm not as "farm girl" as I thought). "Gloves" I thought! I ran to get my garden gloves and then very bravely reached my hand back and grabbed it. Sure enough, it was a mushy shell egg. It actually made me gag a little, but I kept praising April, saying things like, "Good girl! Did YOU lay that egg? I am so proud of you!"

I'm not even posting a picture of this one. We will continue to wait for a taste of egg #3.


Christi said...

Oh, I was so hoping for a picture! I can picture you out there gagging.

Kelly said...

I thought laying eggs was a no-fail job. Apparently it's harder than I thought. Good job, April! You can do it!

Unknown said...

This is so great. I love the play of play of these eggs...its totally eggciting!:) I also love the comfort and encouraging you give your hens.

Maddy said...

Hey! I'm going to add you to my blog stalking list!!! :) Awesome on the chickens!!! :D