Thursday, June 18, 2009

Fun Summer Activity #3: Water Park (and other stuff)

This week Craig was working up in Portland for my Aunt, so the kids and I headed up for a night to visit, and on our way home we met up with my sister-in-law and her 3 girls at a park in Wilsonville.
The kids had a blast, and despite the clouds it was actually a fairly warm day for playing in the water.

This water park is lots of fun, and I would recommend it if you are anywhere near the area for a day trip. In fact, we may go again later this summer! You can't miss it if you head East off I-5 in Wilsonville, it's on the right.

Behind the water area is a park with this amazing slide and lots of sand which my kids could have playing in for hours.

Earlier that morning we stopped in at OMSI. Here is my daughter petting a rat. I can hardly believe she is my own flesh and blood.

Let me assure you, the hairs on my neck were standing as I snapped these pictures. But I did my best to hide my feeling since I am trying not to pass on my fear of mice/rats to my offspring.

OMSI is a fun place and the kids always enjoy it. My in laws were so generous to buy us a year round pass for the Gilberthouse in Salem (for Wyatt's b-day this year), which also gets us in free to OMSI all year! Quite the deal, and we don't feel pressured to stay all day (just to get our $$$ worth!)

I scored this cute red bench from my aunt!

And the boys had fun climbing the monkey bars in her Portland backyard!

Lovin' Summer!


Kelleigh Ratzlaff Designs said...

Sounds like a fun trip!! I HAVE to see more of that bench!!

Aly sun said...

Love water parks, love OMSI, don't love rats, love that bench, love summer!

Allison said...

The kids are simply adorable (and so is the bench)! And I can't believe Craig was in Portland and didn't call me, we could have done lunch (or maybe he was scared it would have to be someplace that serves vegan food! :)

Anonymous said...

My goodness! I just realized that Anna is growing up and changing so much. She looks more like little girl and less like baby girl all the time! Glad you are enjoying your adventures :)