Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Fun Summer Activity #2: Pickin' Strawberries

Yesterday a friend and I headed out for a day of strawberry pickin'. It was nice and cool out and we had a great time. I ended up with 28 pounds, and will be making jam, and freezing a lot for smoothies and such. They are so yummy!
We ended up picking at two fields. This was the first and was pretty sparse and full of thistles that scratched our hands when we picked. As we got there I instructed the kiddos to only pick, big, ripe berries. After about 15 minutes of pickin' Will, (my perfectionist child who greatly takes after his father) came back with 2 berries in his bucket. If you know Will, you know how hilarious I found this. He would not pick an unripe berry. He would not pick a dirty berry. He would not pick a berry by a thistle. I love him!
Then he says in frustration, "Mom, if you blog about this be sure to say this is the worst place in the world to pick berries!!" Granted it was not THE WORST place I have ever picked berries. But if you are a perfectionist like Will, you might not enjoy it. He finally let me help him fill his bucket.

We quit after 15 pounds, and stopped off at another place we had passed on the way out. Their berries were .20 more/lb. but worth it. The rows were about 4x as wide and no weeds. They also have other varieties for harvest in July, like marion and raspberry. Will enjoyed this place MUCH more. We may go back!

All in all, it was a fun (yet tiring) day. I'm really glad the kids get to experience it. We will savor those frozen berries and jelly come winter time!


Aly sun said...

Where was the good field? The berries look delicious.

Angela said...

Those look sooooo good!!!

Anonymous said...

Those look so good! One of the things I really miss about Oregon is strawberry picking. We did it all the time when I was little! My youngest is a perfectionist too so I had to laugh out loud a little :)

Michelle said...

Do you have a favorite jam recipe? I'm hoping to go picking next week and I've never tried making jam, but I'd love to this year.

KLB said...

I remember going berry picking, and my parents wouldn't even bother giving me a bucket because I would just eat them as I picked!

Unknown said...

Yum. Yum. Yum. I can't believe that the berries are already ripe! Guess its time for a trip to OR!:) Your kids look like they had a great time too!

Elaine said...

You are such a fun mommy! (And a good wife to provide such yummy treats for your hubby!)

Our firstborns sound a little similar. :)