Tuesday, September 29, 2009

In which I share my heart

I started this blog nearly 4 years ago. At that point in my life I had a newborn, a 4.5 year old, and a 2.5 year old. I was an at home mommy and blogging for my family and reading other blogs served as mommy time for me. My blog has given me an outlet for all my tales and the things I was experiencing in my days with little ones. I linked up with other mommy bloggers and developed cyber support and relationships. I felt connected to the outside world during those long days at home.

Today, I have two boys in school for 6 hours a day and an almost 4 year old, who is becoming more and more independent as the days go by. We have homework, practices, and/or church most weeknights. Our weekends are full of activity, work, and play as a family. In just a few short years my "season" of mommy hood has changed. I haven't changed my own child's diaper in over a year. And I find myself blogging a little less, and perhaps about different things.

I value the blog and the outlet it gives me. I love peeking in on the lives of everyone on my google reader, and still find lot of support here. I love that my family members and friends who live hours away can peak into our lives and get a glimpse at what we've been up to.
But, as evidenced my my last couple posts, I think I'll be blogging a bit less these days.

As I'm sure I've said before, I don't do change very well. Fall is here, my babies are growing up right before my eyes, and my days feel relatively quiet with just me and my side-kick, Anna. I feel it coming, but in some ways I am resistant. Some mommies dream of the days all their babies are in school. I admit it, I dream of having another baby.

I am not one to give advice, but I have to say: If you are a mommy like I was 4 years ago, live in the moment. Cherish those loud, busy, never ending days at home. Keep on keeping on. Read your kiddos a book, or twenty. Be silly and spontaneous. Take advantage of every impressionable moment. I am hopeful that I did that most days. But I know it never hurts to be reminded.

I am faithful that this new season in mommy hood will be every bit as enjoyable as the last. I do get excited when I look in Will's 8 year old face and can see both a glimpse of the baby he was, and the young man he is becoming. It's an exciting thing. But still, my heart seems to catch in my throat when I write about it. So I cling to this verse:

Being confident of this,
that he who began a good work in you
will carry it on to completion
until the day of Christ Jesus. ~Phil 1:6

There ARE a couple things I don't miss....
....boy, these were sure fun days, though! (She said 5 years later :)
~Wyatt fall 2004


Kelly said...

Oh, Lindsay, that is my heart as well. There are so many seasons of motherhood, and your words pull my heart strings! I am still in the midst of diapers and bottles, but also watching my almost nine year old (next week!) becoming a young man who is putting God's word away in his heart. It's frightening and exhilarating to watch God working in each of their lives. Enjoy every moment, Lindsay, as you said. Not every moment is easy but God uses all of it for his glory!

Christi said...

So, so, so thankful that you are that step ahead of me. People say it all the time, but for some reason it's different hearing it from you - I really believe it. I will take your wise words to heart, friend. Don't let your time between posts be too long...:)

Rachel @ Lautaret Bohemiet said...

I don't think I've commented on your blog yet, but I do enjoy checking in on you and your adorable kidos.

This was a great reminder for everyone. I need to remember to cherish this time with my husband BEFORE we have kids, and when we're lucky enough to have kids, I hope I cherish that in the same way too.

If you don't write much, keep us up to date with photos at least! :)

Mars said...

Thanks for posting this. I already feel the same way, with Charlie in pre-school this year. Makes me sad when he's gone for just that 2 and a half hours. It's like a preview of what's coming soon. :(

Maddy said...

What a great blog- and I couldn't agree with you more about cherishing the days- even when they're long and grueling. Want to watch a wee baby?! hehehe :D

Elaine said...

Oh Lindsay, this post made me kinda sad. Thank you for the reminder to enjoy every moment. (I am secretly hoping you have another baby! :)