Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Another first day....

I was feeling pretty prepared for the boys' first day of school. I was about to fix dinner and wrap up the evening when a migraine struck. I took my prescription and headed to bed. "Can you please keep the kids quiet for a little while?", I asked Craig.
I've been struggling with migraine headaches ever since high school, and although it is a pretty minor issue God has taught me so much through my little struggle. Every time I get one, I always find myself in a conversation with God. Asking Him questions like, "why me?", "why now?" and, "why haven't you healed me?"
Yet always, He seems to speak to me in my time of suffering, when my head feels like it's going to explode, and I wish for a hammer to crack it open. As I'm puking and shaking because the pain is just to much to take.
"I've got you though it before, trust me to get you through this one. Have I ever given you reason to doubt Me?"
He did get me through it, and my family blessed me so much last night. Craig fixed dinner. The kids came to check on me, gave me kisses on my forehead and said they would pray for my headache to go away. Right before their bedtime Craig came in to see if I could get up for a minute. Out in the living room were three lit candles each representing our kids. Craig shared about how the candles represented them and how they were to be light in a dark place. He read some scriptures. Then we took communion as a family. We have never done that before (besides at church) and as Craig prayed over the bread (ritz crackers) and juice (kool-aid), the tears rolled.
I felt complete peace, despite my pounding head and I knew God was holding me. What would normally be a hugely stressful day for me, was fun and joyful. Recently I heard a pastor share about fear. His statement was "Fear is the absence of Faith". That really struck a chord with me, so lately when I feel fear rising up in me, over my kids, myself, my future, I try to speak blessings of faith over what I am fearing.
Jesus said to his disciples, "My prayer is not that you take them out of the world but that you protect them from the evil one. They are not of the world, even as I am not of it. Sanctify them by the truth; your word is truth." ~John 17:15-17
Our school year is off....and I will keep praying these blessing of faith over my children.
I cannot take credit for the notes on their cereal bowls. I copied that idea.

The three

First and Third

Sweet Brothers

We are close enough to walk to school....who does that, these days?

Wyatt getting settled....

Will finding his seat...he's like, "okay mom, hurry up and take the picture..."

Can you guess what Anna and I did before brothers got home?


Glory Laine said...

Linz, I am so sorry that you have suffered so long with migraines. I had them while pregnant with the twins and then just one last year. Horrible. And like our period they always come at the worst time.
What a sweet man you married. So happy to hear that you are being taken care of. Love your blog! Hoping we can get together before Christi moves.

Christi said...

I think I cry every year that you do the first day post.

Cooking with Big E said...

I've never had a migraine and from the sounds of it I hope I never do. I'm sorry you had to deal with that at such an inopportune time, but you are truly blessed to have such a supportive family.

Your boys look like they had a great first day of school!

Kelleigh Ratzlaff Designs said...

I'm a basket case! This post was wonderful. Thank you Lindsay! Oh, and we are totally going to have to take communion with the boys and the candles. Such a great idea!

Maddy said...

I can definitely relate to the migraine sessions, they are not fun. Maybe someday we'll all get fixed?

Your little kiddos are so stinkin adorable! I love seeing them around the hallways every day!

KLB said...

I have been blessed by your post

Angela said...

What an amazing family you have. I loved reading this!