Friday, January 16, 2009

Nothing to blog...

I don't really have anything exciting to blog about, but my blog is haunting me because I have been neglecting it lately. Ever since MOPS on Tuesday I have been in a organization/cleaning mode and it feels good to be getting things in order and wasting less time on the computer :)

The first week in January I got serious (again) about exercising and eating right. And I didn't lose any weight until today. I have lost ONE measly pound. But I am sticking with it because I feel so much better and I know it is good for me in many areas to be committed to to exercise and eating healthy foods. Which brings me to my first poll question above. I would like your input on what is most important to YOU in losing weight. I know you will be tempted to say, BOTH diet and exercise are important, but you have to make a decision and pick just one. Leave a comment with any thoughts and vote on the poll.

This is the best I can do for a blog post. Happy Weekend!


Aly sun said...

Good for you! I am glad the MOPS meeting inspired. Doesn't it feel good to live a healthy life, in all areas?

Diet or exercise. I had to really ponder this because I personally don't lose weight without moderating both. But, if I had a choice I would rather eat whatever I wanted that exercise later to burn it off.

Mindi said...

Yep- I love food too much to give it I would rather, no matter how much "weight" one loses, everything will fit better and look better if muscle tone is built up. So I try to validate my eating habits with exercising :)

Elaine said...

Oh Lindsay, I hear ya! I am definitely feeling the need to get serious about exercise and eating right. One of my big downfalls is that I love to bake (and then eat it). :) I agree with your friends, though, I would rather eat sweets and exercise to burn it if only I could be more disciplined to do this. :)

handfull of johnsons said...

I've been exercising and it doesn't give me results in the weight area, perhaps because my gym is next door to a drive through Starbucks, but it does make me feel better. But going to the gym also means time away from the kids, so anyway the combination of the two makes me a better mom. I feel better about the choice I made to take the time out to work out and then it de-stresses least for a while. Now only if I could get regular about it...AND stop getting those mochas on the way home. =-) I miss you! Wish we could work out together. That would be WAY too fun.

Angela said...

I would say diet. I can work out all I want but if I am still eating bad no pounds are going away on me!!!

Valorie Leonard said...

Diet, absolutely is the most important. Of course you need both, but your weight is all about calories in and calories burned. You'll look a whole lot better exercising, but if you exercise and still eat too much, you won't be changing anything! You have to run for 30 minutes to burn 300 calories, that's just one piece of cake!

Kristen said...

For me it is 90% mental. If my head is in the game then everything else falls into place easily. Second would be exercise. Exercise gives me to motivation to eat correctly. Eating is huge, but I would rather burn off the fat than starve it off.
I just finished week 2 of healthy eating and exercising, and already feel so much better even though the scale didn't move at all this week. My bodyfat % went down so that makes me happy.

Anonymous said...

Okie dokie well like all have mostly said...both is best. But for myself I would choose excercise. It does depend on your body specifically, but for me I gain weight if I don't excercise. Plus, when you excercise you are generally more disciplined on water intake which is huge for our body health. Water flushes out toxins and they say that most people at one point or another "feel" hungry when they are actually thirsty.

KLB said...

Its been a YEAR and I still have not lost the baby weight! I am so upset with myself. Time has flown by so fast and I can't believe I am the same as I was a year ago! Lately I have really been trying though. I would have to say exercise if I had to pick just one. I hate it, but I feel so good afterwards!