Saturday, January 24, 2009

another visit from the tooth fairy

Last night I was wiggling Wyatt's tooth and got it pretty loose. I was too afraid to pull it out though because I had already heard that crackling sound of a loose tooth separating from the gums. You know the sound, it makes ya jump and ask, "did that hurt?"
Wyatt wasn't phased and I told him to go to sleep and that it would probably fall out in the next couple days. About 10 minutes later he comes out to the living room and says, "mom, I totally lost my tooth". Sure enough, his mouth is full of blood and he's holding the tooth he yanked out. We were all super excited!
Here's the cutie with his missing tooth "window" as he likes to call it.


KLB said...

How exciting!! I hope the tooth fairy is generous. he he

Aly sun said...

I still remember loose teeth in my own childish mouth. It is the craziest, most disgusting feeling and that sound! Oh, I remember it vividly. I guess boys thrive on that kind of stuff. My parents, I mean the tooth fairy parent who remembered to put money under our pillows, gave us a dime. What is the going rate these days?