Friday, October 12, 2007


There are certain words that just irritate me. One in particular is 'cheshire' as in the cheshire cat from Alice in Wonderland. Can't stand that word. It makes me cringe. Then are are words that I love, very beautiful sounding words. One of them is REJOICE. Try this: make a really grumpy face and say the word rejoice. It feels lame, huh? If you're like me it makes you laugh at yourself. So that's why I love that word. Just by saying it my attitude is changed.

It's kinda been a mission of mine to see how many times I can find the word rejoice in the Bible. Not that I'm keeping track, but every time I read it, I'm like 'oh, there it is'. Wednesday night our pastor shared this verse from Zephaniah (my new blog description above) and it just spoke to me. We focus a lot on becoming close to God by giving Him our worship and praise---which is GOOD. But I am overwhelmed by God's love when I picture Him in all His power and glory, actually rejoicing over me. That's just cool.


Anonymous said...

Lin, that verse is one of my favorites. I love it too! God is so good all the time!

Tami said...

I love your new verse--I read it and got a song from our church worship in my head...something like, "Savior, He can move a God is mighty to save, He is mighty to save...Forever author of salvation..." I'm still learning the words, but I know the tune.