Tuesday, October 23, 2007

A new look

So, I've given my blog a new look. I discover the wonderful world of pyzam.com and it's hundreds of templates to choose from. I still want to add some pictures on the sidebar, but we need to take some updated ones so check back! Like the furniture in my house gets re-arranged a lot, this blog look might not stay, but for now I'm likin' it.

I have a simpler list of links on the side and let me introduce you to my blogger friends. If you're like me I sometimes wonder, "how do they know each other?" So if you've been wondering here's your chance to find out. Hats off to you my fellow bloggers.....

1. Alysun and family. Alysun and I attend MOPS together and used to attend the same Church before there was Calvary Chapel in Dallas, where we currently go. She and her husband had our family over for dinner when we were new at church and she is so gracious and hospitable. I have enjoyed getting to know her through her blog and when we have a minute at MOPS, we get to chat.

2. Christi and family. Christi is my long time friend from high school. We went off to college together and were roommates our freshman year. She married Jeff in 97, Craig and I were married in 98 and we lived in adjacent apartments the year we were all seniors. That was seriously a lot of fun. We have lots of memories. I have always admired Christi's humor and optimism. She always sees the bright side of things and it inspires me. Be sure to check out her blog as she is expecting her third baby very soon!

3. Dallas MOPS. I started going to MOPS when Will was 8 months old. It has been a huge blessing to me. It got me out of the house as a new, young stay at home mom and I was able to meet other moms in the area. I love living in a small town and seeing friends from MOPS out and about at the grocery store or park. I started my blog to be linked to the MOPS blog, and went from there. Check out MOPS groups in your areas, they are worldwide.

4. Food Love. Fun recipe blog with a handful of contributers. Check it out for a new recipe.

5. Kelleigh and family. I met Kelleigh through MOPS and we both served on the steering team for a couple years. She is a very outgoing and creative person, with a lot of love for her family.

6. Kelly and family. Kelly I know through Craig's side of the family. She and Craig's older sister are friends, she attended the same college as Craig and I, and she and her husband were the photographers at our wedding. (They did an outstanding job). We have kept in touch over the year mostly via email and now through her blog! She is an awesome mom, with lots of insight to share.

7. Kristen and family. Kristen is Kelly's sister and went to high school with Craig. We have only met a few times, but I feel like I really know her :) Her writing makes me laugh and she will inspire you toward healthy eating and exercise.

8. Tami and family. Tami is a sister-in-law of my good friend Charlene and that's how we met. We used to be in a little scrapbooking group together. Tami is a wonderful homemaker, and a thoughtful writer.

9. Val and family. Valorie and I met through my sister when we used to scrapbook together back when I was pregnant with Will. Val has moved across the country so I check her blog ever so often to keep up on the happenings in her family.

So there you have it. If you'd like to be included in this list all you have to do is start a blog! It's fun and easy, and if you do, I promise you I will read it!


Anonymous said...

Lin, that was such a good idea to "introduce" everyone! Thanks for your kind words---I feel the same about you!

Kristen said...

I agree, such a good idea to introduce your blog buddies.
Boy, I sure hope I will encourage people to healthy eating and exercise rather than drive them to eat all the stuff I eat on my free days!!! :)

Tami said...

Yes, such kind words! And, yes, I too feel the same about you! I love your writing. Thank you!

Tami said...

Oh, and a few more things...

I am going to check our 'Love Food'--sounds great.

What college did you go to? How fun being newly married with friends nearby--sounds like great memories.

And I feel the same about our church ministry that is similar to MOPS called Hearts @ Home--that I have gleaned a lot of great parenting tips, am always refreshed and renewed in my job as a mom, and realize how important it is to have contact with other moms--as mentors and comrads to help you feel reassured. (Ok--that's a lot of 're's.)

I've been involved with that ministry since Jess was 1 year old. I've helped with decorations for several years, and now this year I am publishing the newsletter. We are starting in a couple weeks. Has MOPS started yet?