Saturday, July 14, 2007

Did I mention, I like to keep up with my brothers?

Our sweet Annie girl was following her brothers outside at some of our friend's house friday night, tripped and fell on the metal track to their sliding glass door, and got this cut on her forehead, to add to her puffy lip she got a few days earlier falling outside. Thankfully her cut isn't very deep and didn't bleed much. She cried for all of 30 seconds and wanted nothing to do with the ice pack. In fact, she wanted to get down and keep playing. She is one tough cookie. I remember when she was first learning to walk and would fall or get bumped, she would totally cry for several minutes and I'd have to hold her. Now I realize that she has really adjusted to these big brothers. Makes me think about how there must be definate truth to the birth order thing. I have to say she is a go-getter. The cutest thing was when Will finally saw her cut as we were getting home, he was like, "oh, poor little sweetie, are you ok?" Both he and Wyatt are very concerned big brothers. Makes me happy knowing she is well taken care of.


Tami said...

Hi, Lindsay,
I tagged you for a meme--check it out on my blog.

I love your pictures from the park. Aren't you so glad you took them before Anna got her owie!?

Looks like you're having a fun summer!

Christi said...

Oh, I'm so glad that didn't happen when I was watching her! I totally noticed how durable she is during her visit. Caden is like that too because of Max, but he is much clumsier walker! Did you know she is taller than him?