Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Pies & Potters

Yesterday we made turkey cupcakes....I copied the idea from the family fun magazine. Mine weren't nearly as cute, but they were yummy! Earlier the boys were discussing turkey's while I was driving. Wyatt's comment was, "turkey's don't have bottoms, their legs just come out of their bodies." It was funny.
Will and I just got finished making our Thanksgiving pies. Right now I have pumpkin and apple cranberry stuessel pie in the oven and let me tell ya, my house smells really good. I don't know if there's anything better than those yummy cinnamon spice smells this time of year.

I asked the boys what they were thankful for. Will replied, "legos" and Wyatt's answer was, "mommy, daddy, my sweet little cupcake girl Anna, my house, wrestling with daddy, playing tea set with mommy....." and that's where I stopped. My boys are so different.

This week I started reading Shepherding a Child's Heart by Tedd Tripp. Here is a passage from the book that I loved. As you read, think about how this pertains to your unique children.

"I have a friend who is a potter. He told me that he can only create the type of pot the clay he is working with will allow him to create. The clay is not merely passive in his hands. The clay responds to him. Some clay is elastic and supple. Some clay is crumbly and hard to shape."

Here's what I learned: don't fight your clay. Work with the clay you have been given. As you mold it, it will actively respond to you in a good or bad way. Realize that you are not creating identical pots. Each one was designed by the Master Potter to be different. The final product is for you to discover, along with the clay.

How encouraging.

Happy Thanksgiving!

1 comment:

Britt- Sparkled Vintage Charm said...

the cupcakes turned out cute!!