Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Anna's story.....

Here I sit almost two years later, finally typing out Anna's story for her scrapbook. I knew I would get to it at some point. Read on if you so desire (warning, it's LONG):

I had a wonderful pregnancy. Those pregnancy hormones really seemed to agree with me and after the initial weeks of nausea, I started to fell better than ever. I really felt like you were going to be a girl, early on, and at about 13 weeks, I mentioned the name Anna to your daddy in conversation at a restaurant. It was funny because it literally had just popped into my head at that moment, yet it felt like the perfect name. Daddy agreed that he liked it, too, so inside I knew if you were a girl you would be Anna. Later, just weeks before my ultrasound, I suddenly got a feeling that I was going to be the mother of three boys. I talked to the Lord, prayed and cried about this reality and felt a
complete peace at whatever sex you would be. It sounds so selfish and insignificant, now, but I really did WANT and girl, yet I knew I would be completely ecstatic with whatever the Lord chose to bless me with.

The day of your ultrasound....still convinced you were a boy, the tech searched around to tell us what you were. She couldn't get a real clear picture so she did all the other measurements and then had me go pee and come back....when I layed back down she tried to look again and said...."here I've got a clear view now" and clicked on the fact that you were a GIRL! I immediately started crying and laughing at the same time.... let me tell you it can be pretty embarrassing and I even snorted a few times. But I didn't care. You were a girl, I could hardly believe it!

When we left the hospital we started calling everyone to tell them you were a girl. The boys were at Aunt Paige's house with Aunt Brooke as well, so we decided to stop and buy an '"it's a girl" balloon to share the news with them. As we walked in the front door both my sisters came around the corner with expectant looks on their faces. They saw the balloon and immediately we were all jumping, screaming and hugging each other there in the entryway. It is one moment I will never forget.

The days leading up to your birth were quite busy and to tell the truth I'm sure I over did it. With all those pregnancy hormones raging through my body I had decided that we needed to our tree up and our house fully decorated for Christmas before I went in to have you. The day after Thanksgiving (4 days before your arrival) I was up at the crack of dawn and in Freddies at 5am for my annual after Thanksgiving day shopping extravaganza. I also went to the Nutcracker that evening. Sheesh....is it any wonder that on the eve of your birth I was hit with a horrible migraine right before bed? I took my medicine, but couldn't sleep. I was in pain and completely stressed out, but I remember feeling you roll and bump around inside of me like crazy that night. Like you were ready to come out. I lay awake thanking God for this, my last night of pregnancy and became very expectant and nervous about the day to come. That morning we had been told we were scheduled for 7:30am. Being the third time around I don't know why I assumed that meant be at the hospital at 7:30, but at 6:40 that morning right as we were preparing to leave we get a call from a crabby nurse scolding me for not being at the hospital at 6am. Come to find out 7:30 was the time they were suppose to be getting you out!

I felt like we had to rush out the door which made me even more nervous. When we got to the hospital and I was getting checked in I felt like I was going to throw up. For me, too much information was a bad thing, and having been through the c-section twice before all I could think about was the needle going into my back. When the nurse took my resting heart rate I think it was something like 130 beats/minutes she made the comment that we were rushing too much and freaking me out. She was right! But it was time to get started and once the spinal was in, I was relaxed and happy :). You came out at 8:14 am..... and cried and cried and cried. You were the only one of our babies who kept crying even after being wrapped up. But you were perfect in every way. Our little girl had arrived.

Back in the recovery room, I once again got incredible shakes and had to be given some drugs for that. They worked well. Your brothers were first to come see you. They had been at the hospital that morning and daddy brought them in. I will never forget the looks on their faces as they saw you for the first time. This little two and four year old were in complete awe and totally taken with you, their baby sister. Their faces completely lit up and they were so amazed at how tiny you were. That is another one of those moments I will never forget.

We got to take you home on December 2nd in a bright red stocking. I was so excited when they came around the day before and put stockings on the doors. 29 years prior I had gone home in a red stocking, which I still have. That was another special moment for me.

The rest is history. Bringing you home was one the most exciting and exhausting stages of my like thus far. I felt like I merely just survived the first few months, but survived I did, and everyday you have brought so much joy to our family. You were a blessing on that day almost two years ago. As I watch you grow and mature to all of two years I am amazed by what I see. My baby is no longer a baby....you are moving toward independence in so many ways. I wish I could go back....if even just for a day and cuddle you, watch you as you lay sleeping, so small in your crib. But time passes, and so I am reminded in this moment to cherish who you are, each and everyday. I'm so excited to see who you will become. I love you my sweet Annie-Beth! Happy 2nd Birthday.



Christi said...

That was so wonderful for me to read that. I feel like I kinda missed out on your story because I was so wrapped up in my own at the time. Caden's second birthday is today and I am so happy that I get to raise my child at the same time that you raise yours.

Anonymous said...

Oh, I am so crying right now! I just love mommy to child letters and yours was so sweet and special. I loved hearing about how you got to tell your sisters that you were having a little girl--what a sweet, special time and great memories you'll cherish forever! I love Anna's name and I'm so happy you got to use it! Have a wonderful day with her on Thursday...and every day!

Aly sun said...

You have me crying here. Thanks for sharing her story.

Kelleigh Ratzlaff Designs said...

I love your story! Thanks so much for sharing it with us.