This pic is actually from last week, one of those HOT days, the kids had run through the sprinklers and we were enjoying popsicles on the back deck. When all of the sudden this baby blue-jay hops onto our deck, goes right through the french doors into my bedroom! It then gets freaked out and flies into our bathroom, knocking over a few picture frames. So, I decide to take the kids around and come in the front of the house and try and shoo it back out the way it came in. By the time we get inside it had already flown to our front room and is sitting here on the windowsil, trying to fly out. Let me just say, I really love birds, I love pictures of birds, I love to watch them, I feed them deluxe bird feed and everything. But the bird in my house thing was freaking me out. I just couldn't get up the nerve to grab it and take it outside, so we sat and watched it poop and flap all over the windowsil. Wyatt and Anna were especially interested and I had to hold Anna back from going up to it, she was shouting "ba-ba" (her word for everything she doesn't have a word for) and pointing. Finally after about 10 minutes, we decided to walk out the front door hoping it would get a clue and follow us. It did, and it was glad to be free again. Jut a little daily excitement in our lives....and the birds.
I really enjoy looking at your blog.
Happy anniversary! The years fly by so quickly. From your pictures and descriptions I can tell you try to enjoy every minute of life. It's refreshing!
Oh my goodness, I would have really been freaking out. Just the flapping of its wings and stuff...
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