Sunday, June 24, 2007

Camping at Nehalem

We kicked off summer with a camping trip to one of our favorite campgrounds on the Oregon Coast, Nehalem Bay. We had wonderful weather and awesome time together as a family.....went on a few bike rides, climbed the sand dunes behind our camp to the beach, and played around the campsite. The kids were SO in their element and just loved being outside. The boys spent a lot of time climbing the little coastal trees at our campsite. And, of course we did some clam diggin' in Seaside. The boys got really into it this time and Will even helped to spot a few clam holes! (above: showing off the clams, below: looking for holes with mom)

Our future "clammer" Anna, checking out our limit. sky above, warm sand below. It was a truly beautiful day at the beach. Craig and the boys built some sand castles while I relaxed and let Anna climb and roll up and down the sand dunes getting her FILL (literally!) of sand.

1 comment:

Aly sun said...

Your camping trip looks like lots of fun! I look forward to seeing all the fun summer adventures you guys have as you post them on the blog!