Monday, July 06, 2009

How I know it's summer

I am not a person who does "change" very well. I like advance warning and time to adjust. So, as much as I anticipate the summer months, it seem like it always take me 'til about the 4th of July to settle down into the summer "routine" (if it can be called that!) Last night I realized I am definitely settled into summer and I wrote down some reasons why I know this to be true:

1. My daughter fell asleep in her wet swimming suit on the carpet at 7pm, and didn't even stir when I carried her to bed and changed her into her jammies.

2. I had to wake the kids up at 8:30 this morning to be at church by 9:00 (WHEN does THAT, EVER happen?)

3. I have a vase of freshly picked sweet peas on my bedside table.

4. We have fresh raspberries on cheerios or yogurt in the morning.

5. Sometimes it takes me several seconds to figure out what day of the week it is.

6. This morning I was awakened by chirping birds and fresh morning air breezing though our french doors.

7. My boys are getting more and more freckles (so am I!)

8. My toenails are painted bright red (so are Anna's!)

9. I took the down comforter off our bed.

10. Applying sunscreen is now a part of our daily routine.

What things just say "SUMMER" to you?


Aly sun said...

the sound of sprinklers, watermelon, BBQed everything, air conditioning so necessary in the car, bedtime while it is still light out, and soaking my feet in the swimming pool. Wonderful!

Christi said...

Skinned elbows and knees...the need to stock up on bandaids :)

KLB said...

No School! he he
The smell of fresh cut grass, I have huge loud crows singing in my windows! berries, peaches and all the other fresh fruit we don't see in the winter months!

Tiffany said...

Here is the park info you were asking about. It is the neatest place ever - your kids would love it. The best part is it isn't too spendy as far as water parks go.

It is in Albany.

Elaine said...

Eating meals outdoors, not having to clean up a messy kitchen table and floor as often! :)