Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Valentine's Day.....sending lots of love!

We had a super fun and busy day.....MOPS in the morning where Wyatt's teacher in formed me that Wyatt told her there was a monster in the bathroom. She said there was no monster and Wyatt replied, "yes there is, it's the MOPS monster!" What an imagination he has, and very convincing too. Then onto Will's class to help out with the big Valentine's day party. We made love bugs and sang the love bug song, made heart crowns, played games and exchanged valentines. We also shared a yummy snack! We just LOVE the day of LOVE. Anna was a very good girl and tagged along with mom and Will while Wyatt napped at Gramme's house. She did manage to "blow out" of three outfits....all of them being red, in honor of Valentines day. I couldn't decide which one to put her in....well turns out she got to wear all three!

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